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Forgotten Money – Amounts Receivable


The Receivable Values ​​System (SVR) is a service offered by the Central Bank to help people and companies recover funds forgotten in financial institutions.

You can consult and request the values ​​belonging to you or your company that are outdated or unclaimed and consult and request the values ​​of deceased people, as long as you are an heir, executor, executor or authorized legal representative .

In short, SVR makes it easier to access forgotten or unclaimed funds by providing guidance on how to recover them.

FAQ – Main Questions

How do I check if I have amounts to receive through the CPF?

You can access the Central Bank of Brazil's Receivable Values ​​System (SVR) and carry out a query using your CPF. The SVR allows you to check whether there are forgotten amounts in banks, consortiums or other financial institutions associated with your CPF.

How do I know if I have money to receive through my CPF?

To find out if there is money associated with your CPF, simply access the SVR and carry out the query using the requested data. The system will indicate whether there are values ​​to be redeemed and will provide information on how to proceed with requesting the redemption.

What is the receivables website?

The official website to consult amounts receivable is the Receivable Values ​​System (SVR), made available by the Central Bank of Brazil. Access the SVR through the Central Bank website or directly through the SVR email address.

How do I know if I have money in Caixa to receive via CPF?

To check whether there are amounts receivable at Caixa Econômica Federal associated with your CPF, use the Central Bank's SVR. The system covers several financial institutions, including Caixa, and will show whether there are amounts to be redeemed.

Is the CPF redemption true?

Yes, redeeming amounts associated with your CPF is a real possibility, especially if there are funds forgotten in financial institutions. SVR facilitates this process by allowing queries and providing guidance on how to redeem the money.

How do I redeem the money in my CPF?

After consulting the SVR and verifying the existence of amounts receivable, follow the instructions provided by the system. Generally, it will be necessary to contact the financial institution responsible for the amounts or follow specific procedures indicated by the SVR to request redemption. Be prepared to provide additional documents and information as requested.


PIS 2024

The Salary Allowance is a benefit established by Law No. 7.998/90, equivalent to a maximum of one minimum wage, paid annually to workers who meet the established criteria. CAIXA acts as a Paying Agent, under the management of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, using resources from the Workers' Support Fund (FAT).

To be entitled to the Salary Allowance, the worker must:

  • Be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years;
  • Have received an average monthly salary of up to two minimum wages during the base year;
  • Have worked for a Legal Entity for at least 30 consecutive days or not, in the base year;
  • Have your data correctly reported by the employer in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS)/eSocial.

In summary, the Salary Allowance is an annual benefit paid to workers who meet the requirements established by legislation, using FAT resources and administered by CAIXA.

FAQ – Main Questions

Will there be PIS in 2024?

Yes, the Social Integration Program (PIS) remains in force in 2024, offering benefits to private sector workers.

Who is from the month of April receives PIS in which month?

Workers born in April generally receive PIS in the second quarter of the year, following the official payment schedule released by the government.

What is the PIS payment date?

PIS payment dates vary according to the calendar established by the government. Generally, payments are made throughout the year, following a specific schedule that takes into account the worker's date of birth.

How do I know if I have PIS?

You can check whether you have PIS by consulting the Caixa Econômica Federal website, calling Caixa's customer service number or going to a Caixa branch in person. You will need to provide your CPF number to make the appointment.

How to query PIS 2024 by CPF?

To consult the 2024 PIS using the CPF, you can use Caixa Econômica Federal's online services. Access the Caixa website, locate the PIS consultation option and follow the instructions provided, entering your CPF when requested.

Who will receive a salary bonus in 2024?

Workers who meet the criteria established by law will be entitled to receive the salary bonus in 2024. This includes those who have met the stipulated working time and remuneration requirements, as determined by the government.