Social Electricity Tariff: An Essential Benefit for Brazilian Families


A Social Electricity Tariff It is a benefit that allows low-income consumers to pay less on their electricity bills. Discounts can reach up to 100%, depending on the family's monthly consumption.

Electricity is an essential resource in our lives, being fundamental for the functioning of our homes, businesses and even for the economic development of our country. However, the high cost of electricity can be a heavy burden for many Brazilian families.

In this article, we will discuss in detail what this benefit that gives a discount on electricity is, how the benefit works, who is entitled to it, how to request it and how the benefit is funded.

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What is the Social Electricity Tariff?

A Social Electricity Tariff consists of a federal government social program that provides discounts on electricity bills to low-income families. It was created with the aim of reducing social inequality and guaranteeing access to electricity for all Brazilians.

The program was established in 2002 and has been an important tool in the fight against energy poverty in the country. This benefit is a crucial initiative, as electrical energy plays a fundamental role in our modern society.

It is necessary for lighting, refrigeration, cooking food, communication, work and even accessing online education. Therefore, making electricity more affordable for low-income families contributes significantly to improving their quality of life.

How does the benefit work?

The functioning of Social Electricity Tariff It's relatively simple, but it's important to understand the details to make the most of the benefit that has already helped countless families across the country.

Families that meet the criteria established by the program receive a discount on their electricity bill, which varies according to their monthly energy consumption.

The lower the consumption, the greater the discount. For example, a family with a monthly electricity consumption of less than 30 kWh can receive a 65% discount on their bill. A family with consumption between 31 kWh and 100 kWh will have a smaller discount, and so on.

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See also how Gas Aid works and who is entitled

Who has the right?

To be entitled to Social Electricity Tariff, the family must meet some criteria established by the government. The main criteria are:

  • Family income: the family's monthly income must be up to half a minimum wage per person, and the measure can be extended to families with a monthly income of up to 3 minimum wages when they have disabled members who use devices dependent on electricity;
  • Continuous Payment Benefit: elderly people over the age of 65 and disabled people who receive the BPC are also entitled to Social Electricity Tariff;
  • Registration in CadÚnico: the family must be registered in the Single Registration for Federal Government Social Programs (CadÚnico). This registration is the gateway to various social programs;
  • Energy consumption: The family's monthly electricity consumption must be less than 220 kWh (kilowatt-hour) per month;
  • Indigenous Families: indigenous and quilombola families duly registered with CadÚnico are entitled to the benefit and can get up to 100% discount on electricity.

In addition to these basic criteria, it is important to note that each electricity concessionaire may have specific rules for applying the Social Electricity Tariff in their area of ​​operation.

Therefore, it is advisable to contact your local dealership for detailed information on how to apply and what documents are required.

How to apply

To request the Social Electricity Tariff, the family should contact the electricity company that serves their region. Generally, it is necessary to present the following documents:

  • Identity document (RG) of the electricity account holder;
  • Updated CadÚnico registration;
  • Proof of address;
  • Social registration number (NIS), which is provided in CadÚnico.

The concessionaire will analyze the documentation and check whether the family meets the criteria established by the program. If the family is eligible, the discount will automatically be applied to the next electricity bill.

Benefit costing

An important question to be addressed is how the benefit of Social Electricity Tariff It is funded, as it is a well-structured initiative to serve numerous families.

The costs of this program are covered by the Economic Development Account (CDE), which is a sectoral fund that receives resources from various sources, including fees paid by electricity concessionaires.

It is important to highlight that the benefit does not represent an additional burden for other electricity consumers, since the resources for the program come from specific sources and do not affect the tariff charged by the concessionaires.