know what are the social networks that use little internet It is essential especially for those who need to take care of their data plan, in order to save it as much as possible.
Fortunately, several popular social networks already provide lighter versions and consume less internet to the public, allowing you to have access to an excellent online experience while compromising less data.
In this post, you can find out which social networks offer this possibility and you can also check out several additional tips that will help you save your data, check them out!
Why is it important to know apps that use little internet?
Knowing apps that are designed to consume less data is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, for users with limited data plans, saving on internet consumption means avoiding extra costs at the end of the month.
Additionally, in areas with weak or unstable mobile network coverage, applications and social networks that use little internet guarantee a more fluid and satisfying user experience.
Finally, this data economy contributes to greater digital inclusion, allowing more people, regardless of their economic situation or geographic location, to access and benefit from social networks.
List of social networks that use little internet
Fortunately, recognizing the need for accessibility, many popular app developers have released “Lite” versions of their platforms. These versions are optimized to consume less data and work efficiently even on slower or unstable internet connections.
Let's explore some of these options social networks that use little internet:
Facebook Lite
O Facebook Lite is a simplified version of the traditional Facebook application. Designed to work in all types of network conditions, Facebook Lite has a smaller download size and is designed to be data efficient. This makes it ideal for users in areas with limited internet connections or those who want to save money on mobile data usage.

Instagram Lite
Instagram Lite offers many of the main features of Instagram, but with significantly less data consumption. Ideal for smartphones with limited storage capacity and slower internet connections, Instagram Lite allows users to share photos and stories, explore their feed and interact with friends without taxing their data plan.
TikTok Lite
With TikTok becoming one of the most popular social media platforms globally, the Lite version offers a less data-intensive alternative. TikTok Lite allows users to watch and share short videos while maintaining efficient use of mobile data. This version is particularly useful for those who love video content but don't want to quickly exhaust their data limit.
Lite Messenger
Messenger Lite is a slimmed-down version of Facebook's messaging app. It allows users to send messages, photos, links and stickers, all while consuming less data than the standard version. It's an excellent option for keeping in touch with friends and family, especially in areas with limited network coverage.
How to download these apps
To download these versions, social networks that use little internet, the process is simple and similar to that of any other application, check it out:
- Open the Google Play Store (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS);
- Search by the name of the social network followed by “Lite” (for example, “Facebook Lite”);
- Select the desired application from the results;
- Click “Install” or “Get” to download and install the app on your device;
- After installation, open the social networks that use little internet and start using.
Other tips for saving mobile data on your cell phone
In addition to choosing the social networks that use little internet, there are other practices that can help reduce mobile data consumption:
- Use Wi-Fi Whenever Possible: Whenever available, prefer to use Wi-Fi connections to access social networks and other applications that consume a lot of data;
- Manage Background Data Usage: Many apps continue to use data in the background. Check your phone settings and restrict data usage to specific apps;
- Activate Data Saving Mode: Many smartphones offer a data saving mode that limits data usage by apps;
- Monitor Data Usage: Keep an eye on data usage through your smartphone's settings to identify and control the biggest data hogs.
By following these tips and opting for Lite versions of popular apps, you can stay connected and engaged on social media without compromising your data plan. This approach not only helps you save money, but also ensures a more accessible and inclusive online experience for everyone.