O single mother assistance It is a benefit that aims to offer financial support to women who support their families alone.
Given the difficulties faced by single mothers in Brazil, many have doubts about who is entitled to assistance and how they can access it.
Who is entitled to single mother assistance?
O single mother assistance It is intended for women who live in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability and who are solely responsible for supporting their children.
To be entitled to the benefit, the following criteria must be met:
Be mother soil, that is, not counting on financial support from the children's father.
Have children under the age of 18 years under your responsibility and direct coexistence.
Be registered in Single Registry (CadÚnico) for government social programs.
Have a monthly family income of up to half minimum wage per person or fall into a situation of extreme poverty.
Furthermore, it is important that the single mother is not receiving other government benefits with higher amounts, such as retirement or unemployment insurance.
How do I apply for single mother assistance?
To apply for assistance, it is essential that the single mother is registered with the Single Registration, a system used by the government to identify low-income families.
If you are not registered yet, just look for the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) nearest and bring the necessary documents, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and birth certificate of children.
After registration, the government will analyze the socioeconomic situation of the mother and her family.
If the benefit is available in your city or state, payment is released in accordance with established rules.
In some locations, the request can be made through government apps or online platforms.
Additional criteria for benefit priority
Some single mothers may have priority in receiving assistance.
Women who have children with disabilities, school-age children or who live in extreme poverty are more likely to be considered.
Furthermore, the government tends to prioritize families that do not have any type of fixed income or that are headed by unemployed women.
Another important point is to maintain the updated CadÚnico data.
Outdated information may prevent the benefit from being granted, even if the single mother is entitled to receive it.
What to do if the benefit is denied?
If your application for single mother assistance is denied, you need to seek information about the reason for the denial.
In many cases, refusal occurs due to outdated data or lack of proof of income.
In this case, it is important to look for the TOMORROW or the social welfare department to correct any errors.
If the refusal persists, it is possible to request a revaluation of the request, presenting documents that prove the condition of single mother and the situation of vulnerability.
In addition, it is worth seeking support from social organizations or NGOs who work to defend women's rights and can help in the search for the benefit.