PIS/PASEP 2024 – Don’t Lose Your Right

PIS/PASEP 2024 – Don’t Lose Your Right


See below for all the details on the subject



Receiving extra money is excellent news and PIS is the typical extra money that every Brazilian worker is eagerly awaiting. It's time to understand everything about this subject.

  • Right to a minimum wage
  • Brazilian worker's rights
  • Must be registered with PIS/PASEP for at least five years
  • More money to receive

What changed in PIS/Pasep 2024?

There were several significant changes to PIS/Pasep in 2024, both in the criteria for receiving the benefit and in payment methods:

1- Payments aligned with birthdays: From 2024 onwards, the salary bonus will be paid based on the beneficiary's birthday, discarding previous criteria that influenced the payment schedule.

2- Adjustment in the value of the benefit: The value of the bonus was revised to reflect the increase in the minimum wage, set at R$1.412 in 2024, which represents an increase compared to the previous year.

3- Options for consultation and withdrawal: Beneficiaries can now check details about the salary bonus through applications such as Digital Work Card. To withdraw funds, they can use the Citizen's Card at lottery outlets or Caixa Econômica Federal ATMs, while public servants can withdraw funds through Banco do Brasil.

These changes seek to make the payment process simpler and faster, in addition to adjusting the value of the benefit according to economic updates. For more information about eligibility or to check payment dates, it is recommended to access government digital services or contact worker services.


PIS 2024 Calendar

The PIS/Pasep calendar for 2024 is crucial for millions of Brazilian workers who are waiting for the payment of the salary bonus, a benefit that supplements their annual income. This calendar defines the specific periods in which beneficiaries, according to their month of birth or final Pasep registration number, can access the amounts allocated to them.

Payments are organized to ensure efficient distribution throughout the year, starting in February and concluding in December, allowing workers to better plan the use of these resources.


What happens if PIS is not withdrawn within the deadline?

If the PIS salary bonus is not withdrawn within the established period, the amount returns to the Worker Support Fund (FAT). The FAT is responsible for financing economic development programs, such as unemployment insurance and the salary bonus itself.

Therefore, it is important to check withdrawal deadlines and ensure that the benefit is withdrawn within the specified period to avoid losing this right. For more information about withdrawal deadlines, beneficiaries should contact Caixa Econômica Federal directly or access the government's digital services related to PIS.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about PIS/PASEP

Check out the main questions workers have about Pis/Pasep 2024:

> Who is entitled to PIS in 2024?

To be entitled to PIS in 2024, the worker must be registered with PIS for at least five years, have formally worked for at least 30 days in the base year 2022 with an average monthly remuneration of up to two minimum wages and have their data provided by the employer at RAIS/eSocial in the base year 2022.

> How do I find out about PIS using the CPF?

You can check the PIS using the CPF through the Digital Work Card application or through the Meu INSS website. Just log in and navigate to the salary bonus section.

> Which application can I see the PIS?

The Digital Work Card application allows you to check your PIS. It is available for download on the Android and iOS app stores.

> How to obtain a Pasep statement online?

The Pasep statement can be obtained online through the Banco do Brasil website. Access your account, and in the services section, look for “Pasep”.

> How do I know if I have PIS to receive?

You can check whether you have PIS to receive through the Digital Work Card or through the CAIXA Tem application, accessing the information about salary bonus.

> What is the base year for PIS 2024?

The base year for PIS 2024 is 2022. This means that the work carried out this year qualifies workers to receive the bonus in 2024.

> How do you see the PIS in CAIXA Tem?

In the CAIXA Tem application, after logging in, navigate to the “Salary Allowance” option to check information related to your PIS.

> How to print the PIS Pasep number?

You can print the PIS/Pasep number by accessing the Digital Work Card or on the CNIS website (National Register of Social Information), where you can view and print your registration number.

> Is there a way to anticipate PIS 2024?

There is no official option to anticipate receiving PIS. Payments follow a calendar established by the government, based on the beneficiary's month of birth.

> Where does the Salary Allowance fall?

The 2024 Salary Allowance is deposited directly into the bank account indicated by the worker, if registered, or can be withdrawn with the Citizen Card at Caixa ATMs, depending on the payment method chosen by the beneficiary.