Learn how to care for your beta fish the best way possible. This fish, also known as Betta splendens, is one of the most popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts thanks to its stunning beauty and variety of colors.
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They are small and do not require large spaces. Proper maintenance of a beta fish It is crucial to ensuring your health and longevity. This includes providing an aquarium with sufficient space, the ideal water temperature and pH, and a balanced, regular diet.
These fish can live up to 3 years if cared for correctly. Proper nutrition, regular aquarium cleaning and health monitoring are essential. They are also known for their territorial nature, which requires some special considerations in terms of sociability and housing with other fish.
Main Learning
- Betta fish are a popular choice because of their beauty and ease of care.
- They require specific care for a healthy environment and longevity.
- Their territorial behavior requires attention to the dynamics with other fish in the aquarium.
Origin and Habitat
O Beta fish, or Betta splendens, originates from Southeast Asia. They are found naturally in regions such as Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.
Find out how to take care of your Beta fish's health:
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Their habitat is quite diverse, ranging from rice paddies to small streams and pools of still water, places often with low oxygen levels.
This characteristic led the Beta to develop a labyrinthine organ that allows them to breathe oxygen directly from the atmosphere.
Physical characteristics
Bettas are known for their vibrant colors e fluid and wide fins. Males, in particular, display a variety of colors and patterns such as blue, red, white and multicolored combinations, with long fins being a common trait chosen by breeders.
They have an elongated body and can grow to around 7 centimeters. Additionally, Bettas can live up to 3 years with proper care in captivity.