Registration in the Single Registry: Step by Step


Know how to do enrollment in the Single Registry is essential for low-income families in Brazil. It is the starting point for accessing various social programs, such as Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás.

Through this registry, the Federal Government can identify and get to know low-income Brazilian families, but the system is updated and operated by municipal governments free of charge to the population.

In this article, we will explain what the Single Registry is, who can register and how to carry out the registration process in a simple and effective way, so don't waste time and continue following our content.

What is the Single Registry (CadÚnico)?

A enrollment in the Single Registry is a Federal Government instrument that gathers information about low-income Brazilian families, including the name of family members, age, and more.

This record is used to identify who and where families in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability live, allowing access to social programs and benefits.

To be included in this system, the family responsible must register in person, taking all the documents of the other members with them so that they can be analyzed.

Who can enroll in the Single Registry?

They can do the enrollment in the Single Registry families that meet the following criteria:

  • Family Income: the monthly income per person in the family must be up to half the minimum wage, but families who earn above this amount can also register if they are interested in a specific benefit or program;
  • Families in Vulnerable Situations: in addition to income criteria, the Single Registry is intended for families in vulnerable situations, which may include unemployed people, the elderly, children, pregnant women and other special situations;
  • Brazilians or Foreign Residents: both Brazilian citizens and foreigners residing in the country can register for the Single Registry.

How to register in the Single Registry

A enrollment in the Single Registry It is a process that requires the family responsible to attend the nearest CRAS in person. Check out all the steps below:

  1. The first step is to find the CRAS closest to your residence. CRAS is the body responsible for registering in the Single Registry. You can find the CRAS address in your city through the local city hall website or by contacting the city hall;
  2. Contact CRAS to schedule an appointment. This is important to avoid long lines and ensure that you will be served appropriately. Write down the date and time of your appointment;
  3. On the day of your appointment, be sure to bring the necessary documentation. Generally, you will need the following documents:
  • CPF (Individual Person Registration) of all family members;
  • ID (General Registry) or Birth Certificate of all family members;
  • Proof of recent address;
  • Voter registration card (if you have one);
  • Work permit (if you have one);
  • Marriage or divorce certificate (if married or divorced);
  • Declaration of school enrollment (for children and adolescents of school age);
  • Proof of income (if you have any).
  1. During the service, a CRAS professional will conduct an interview with the person responsible for the family. It is important to answer all questions accurately, as this will ensure that the information is correctly recorded in the Single Registry;
  2. After the service and interview, you will receive proof of registration in the Single Registry. Keep this document, as it may be requested to participate in social programs.

Today it is also possible to pre-register digitally, through the Cadastro Único application, which can be found on the App Store or Play Store for free installation. After completing it, you will need to go to CRAS to present the documentation.

Keep information up to date

After doing the enrollment in the Single Registry, it is essential that all families keep information up to date. Such updating must be done every two years or whenever the following data changes:

  • Someone in the family died or was born;
  • The family moved to another municipality;
  • Someone started to receive less or more;
  • When children change schools or enter an educational institution;
  • In addition to his family, he went to live elsewhere.


A enrollment in the Single Registry It is the first step to accessing various social programs that can help improve the quality of life of low-income families.

Each of the Government benefits has its own requirements to participate and you can obtain this information through the portal gov.br or by contacting the nearest CRAS.

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