Discover Curiosities About the Bible That Almost Nobody Knows


A Bible is one of the most read and loved books in the world, but there are many surprising facts about it that go unnoticed by most people.

Get ready to discover interesting facts that will change the way you see this sacred text!

The Central Verse of the Bible

Did you know that Bible has an exact central verse? Composed of 31.102 verses, the central mathematical point is in Salmo 118: 8, That say:

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”

This central message reflects the main theme of the Bible: faith and dependence on God above all. It is as if the text itself points to the essence of its message.

The Bible: The Most Translated Book in History

A Bible It is the most translated book in the world. Available in more than 3.600 languages, it allows people in every corner of the planet to have access to the Word of God in their native language. No other book has reached such a wide reach!

Did you know that the first translation of Bible into Portuguese was carried out by João Ferreira de Almeida, in 1753? This translation continues to be widely used to this day.

The Longest and the Shortest Chapter

Another curious fact is about the size of the chapters. The longest chapter in Bible é Psalm 119, with 176 verses. The shortest one is Psalm 117, with only 2 verses.

Both are in the book of Psalms, showing the diversity and richness of that book.

The Ten Commandments: Two Different Versions

Did you know that there are two versions of the Ten commandments na Bible? One appears in Exodus 20:1-17 and the other in Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

Although they have the same meaning, there are small differences in the way they are presented.

Curiosities About the Authors of the Bible

A Bible was written by about 40 different authors over 1.500 years.

These authors include kings, fishermen, shepherds and apostles, showing the diversity of experiences that contributed to forming this sacred text.

Why Know These Curiosities?

Find out more about the Bible is a way to deepen your connection with God's Word.

Furthermore, these curiosities show how extraordinary this book is in every aspect: historical, cultural and spiritual.

If you are interested in these curiosities, share them with friends and family!

Who knows, you might inspire someone to learn more about the Bible and connect with its rich history and messages.