Bolsa Família: A Social Program that Transforms Lives


O Family Bag consists of a government program that was implemented with the aim of promoting social inclusion and reducing socioeconomic inequality among millions of Brazilian citizens.

Through the initiative, many families have already been able to benefit. It is also worth remembering that the benefit was once known as Auxílio Brasil, but later returned to its original name with the same operating method.

In this article, we will explore what Bolsa Família is, who is entitled to this benefit, the calendar for January 2024, how to register and receive the benefit, as well as the amounts involved in its various components.

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Family allowance

What is Bolsa Família?

O Family Bag is an income transfer program from the federal government of Brazil, created in 2003, during the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, being an important instrument to combat poverty and social inequality.

The program aims to provide direct financial assistance to families in specific situations of poverty and extreme poverty, with the aim of ensuring food security, access to education and health services.

Furthermore, it aims to contribute to the development of children and adolescents. To participate in the program, interested parties must meet specific criteria defined by the government.

Who is entitled to this benefit?

O Family Bag is intended for Brazilian families in a specific situation of extreme poverty or poverty. To meet the criteria, the family's per capita income must be less than R$218,00 per month.

Furthermore, the program prioritizes families with pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and adolescents of school age, aiming to restore the citizenship and dignity of each of these people also through complementary actions.

To qualify for and maintain the benefit, families must also fulfill obligations such as keeping children and adolescents in school and ensuring that they are up to date with their vaccinations. 

maternity allowance

See also who is entitled to Maternity Benefit and how to apply.

Bolsa Família calendar for January 2024

To ensure that beneficiary families have access to resources in an organized manner, the Family Bag has a payment schedule. For the month of January 2024, payments will follow the following schedule:

  • Final NIS 1: 18/01/2024
  • Final NIS 2: 19/01/2024
  • Final NIS 3: 22/01/2024
  • Final NIS 4: 23/01/2024
  • Final NIS 5: 24/01/2024
  • Final NIS 6: 25/01/2024
  • Final NIS 7: 26/01/2024
  • Final NIS 8: 29/01/2024
  • Final NIS 9: 30/01/2024
  • Final NIS 0: 31/01/2024

Remembering that the NIS number (Social Identification Number) is the last digit of the Worker Identification Number, which appears on the Work Card or Citizen Card.

How to register for Bolsa Família

To register with Family Bag, you need to look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your residence, and pre-registration can be done using the Cadastro Único app.

The person responsible for the family must present documents such as CPF, ID, proof of address and proof of income for all members of the group. After analyzing the data, the government will assess whether the family meets the established criteria and, if applicable, will grant the benefit.

How to receive

The beneficiaries of Family Bag receive the value of the benefit through the Box Has, a free application for banking transactions and social services provided by Caixa Econômica Federal.

The payment calendar is organized according to the last digit of the NIS, as mentioned previously, so the amount will be made available directly to your digital account.

benefit amount

O Family Bag involves six specific benefits, which vary according to each family's situation. Are they:

  • Extraordinary Transition Benefit: is a specific situation that lasts until May 2025 to ensure that no citizen receives a lower amount than the previous program (Auxílio Brasil);
  • Family Variable Benefit: an additional R$50,00 is available for families with children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 and pregnant women;
  • Variable Nursing Family Benefit: an additional R$50,00 in benefit for each family member of up to 6 months;
  • Early Childhood Benefit: additional R$150,00 in benefit for each child aged 0 to seven;
  • Complementary Benefit: additional value for families where the sum of all benefits does not reach R$600,00;
  • Citizenship Income Benefit: R$142,00 is available for each member of the family group.

Final considerations

O Family Bag It is a fundamental program for reducing social inequality in Brazil. It provides financial relief to families in vulnerable situations, allowing them to access essential resources, such as food and education.

If you fit the established criteria, be sure to look for the nearest CRAS and register. It is an opportunity to transform lives and build a better future for the next generations.

O Family Bag not only provides financial assistance, but also promotes social inclusion and the prospect of a more dignified future for millions of Brazilians.