O Gas Allowance is one of the social programs developed by the Federal Government to help low-income families deal with financial challenges, especially in relation to spending on cooking gas, which is an essential item in everyone's lives.
Officially, the benefit was created and launched in 2021, serving thousands of Brazilian families from all regions of the country. To receive it, you must meet some specific requirements.
In this article, we will explore how this benefit works, who is entitled to receive it and how to request it, so don't waste time and continue following our content below.
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What is Gas Aid?
O Gas Allowance This is a social program belonging to the Federal Government that aims to offer a financial benefit to help low-income families cover the costs of purchasing cooking gas (gas cylinders).
The main objective is to ensure that the most vulnerable families have access to a fundamental item in their homes, allowing them to continue to cook safely and properly.
Every two months, eligible families receive the full amount for a 13kg gas cylinder, which is calculated through the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
Who can receive the benefit?
To be eligible for the Gas Allowance, you must meet certain criteria established by the Federal Government. Generally, families that meet the following conditions are entitled to the benefit:
- Family Income: monthly family income must be equal to or less than half the minimum wage;
- Single Registry (CadÚnico): you must be registered with CadÚnico, which is the registration system for low-income families. If you are not yet registered, you can do this at a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your city;
- Being Responsible for Paying for Gas: the benefit is intended for the person who is responsible for paying for cooking gas in the residence;
- Accumulation with Other benefits: Gas Allowance it can be made available together with other benefits, scholarships or aid from the Bolsa Família Program.
Enrollment in the Single Registry
See also the step-by-step process for registering with CadÚnico!
How to register for Gas Aid
The request of Gas Allowance follows the same steps in all regions of Brazil, as it is a benefit governed by the Federal Government itself. See below how to request it:
- Registration with CadÚnico: if you are not yet registered with CadÚnico, contact the CRAS in your city to schedule registration. Bring the necessary documents, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and documents from other family members.
- Eligibility Check: after registering with CadÚnico, the team responsible for the program will assess whether your family meets the eligibility criteria;
- Receipt of the Benefit: if approved, the Gas Allowance will be granted;
- Purchase of Gas: with the available amount, you can use it to purchase a gas cylinder from an authorized retailer.
How to receive the benefit
After registering with CadÚnico and approval to receive the benefit, the family will receive the amount every two months through a bank account or easily accessible digital account.
If the registered family does not have access to one of the account options discussed, a digital social savings account will be opened automatically, the responsibility of which will be the CEF.
It is also worth mentioning that the validity of the portion of the Gas Allowance is 120 days, which start counting from the date it was made available, and the transfer dates will follow the same calendar as Bolsa Família.
In case of doubts
O Gas Allowance is managed by the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger (MSD), so for more information, simply contact 121.
Through the channel you will have the opportunity to resolve all your doubts regarding the program or enrollment in it, being an official way of being guided by qualified people.
It is also worth mentioning that the call is free to both landline and cell phones, facilitating access to information.
Final considerations
O Gas Allowance from the Federal Government is a program that plays an important role in helping low-income families have access to an essential item such as cooking gas.
For those who meet the eligibility criteria, this benefit can ease the burden of household expenses and ensure families can cook safely and adequately.
Be sure to check whether you meet the requirements and follow your local procedures for applying for benefits if you are eligible. It is a measure that could bring significant financial relief to many Brazilians.
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